Friday, May 05, 2006

Springtime in Germany

The weather has been gorgeous all week. The temperature has been in the mid to high seventies, and the sun has been shinning. All of the trees are getting their leaves and there are blooms everywhere. It really is beautiful.

Justin booked our first trip today! We are flying to Milan on Memorial day weekend and hope to wind our way through Tuscany to Florence. I am very excited. Justin is a bit like a kid in a candy store and had a hard time deciding where we should go. He wants to go everywhere, but he also wants everywhere we go to be perfect. I'm just eager to travel.

Tonight we're planning on heading out to a Mexican restaurant to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. My expectations are not very high, but hopefully I will be surprised.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

C+A said...

Wow! That is so fun that you are going Milan! I hope you guys have a wonderful time. It sounds like you both are loving Germany so far... that's great!

Give Pecos a hug for me!