Monday, October 15, 2007

Hanging with the P Man

In the pages of this blog, we’ve told stories of adventure, frustration, Pecos, horror, Pecos, love, Pecos, and guys in broccoli suits. There’ve been countless reasons to write (about Pecos) and we’ve rarely been remiss in doing so.

But with no visitors for the month of October and no prior travel plans made, Kate and I (and Pecos) have decided to take it easy this month and spend our hours hanging out here. (Kate by herself, me with Pecos) We’ve been going on more runs, hanging out with neighbors and friends, watching lots of movies. It’s been a change of pace for us, but we’re embracing it.

Kate is taking advantage of this non-traveling time by working her patootie off – subbing during the days, working as a consultant in the afternoons, studying for grad school at night, wash, lather, repeat.
Pecos and I, on the other hand, have been hanging out at the same elevation, playing with dog toys, giving each other concussions, and loving the bejesus out of it. Here’s a short video of us doing so.

So, although I’m always up for a good trip (What’s that? Let’s go to the “Cape of Good God, Is This Hell?” Sound like a blast!), I’ve developed a certain fondness for laying on the floor and tormenting Pecos. And I think this is where I'll stay for the rest of the month.

Pecos, however, does not feel the same way.
PECOS NO LIKE WHEN DADDY HAVE TOY! MUST KILL DADDY! (I think he looks Jewish in this picture - notice the yarmulke?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think he is lifting his lip in a snarl. Cute video and way to go with Darth Vadar Gator.