Monday, October 20, 2008

Elizabeth Bruhy Ward's 0st birthday

Well ladies and gentlement, Kate and I are proud to announce with a decent amount of fanfare that as of 2:22 p.m. on Oct. 20, there is a new bundle of poop and joy in our lives. All 6 lbs. 6 oz. of her.

Elizabeth Bruhy Ward didn't want the fanfare that would greet her on the outside, though. At least that's what Kate thought after 15 hours of labor and four hours of being told to NOT push through the contractors even though she was dilated 10 cm. and not pushing would be very painful. The baby wasn't coming out.

The problem wasn't space. Apparently there was enough of that for even a bigger baby. And the problem wasn't the birthing process. Kate's contractions were "Wunderschoene" and the baby's heart rate was healthy and strong the whole time.

The problem WAS that Baby Elizabeth didn't want to turn her head the last 15-20 degrees, meaning she would have come out face down which is apparently a bad thing. So, after much discussions, consulations, and exhaustion, the doctors said the only alternative was a C-section. And we agreed.

So we dressed in scrubs, went in the OR, and a few minutes later had a beautiful little baby girl - sans the conehead that comes from vaginal delivery.
Right now, momma and baby are doing well in their respective recovery rooms. They'll probably be there until Friday or Saturday and I'll of course keep those interested parties sated with pictures.


Cara said...

Oh my gosh! Congratulations!!

I'm so excited for you guys!

I hope Kate is feeling okay and that the little one is soon with her Mommy.

Isla sends lots of slobbery open-mouthed kisses to her new friend!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both.. She looks perfect and beautiful... :)

Su-chun & Patrick