Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Wiesbaden Vista

First off, I have some exciting news. We finally got our new computer after a month of waiting. It is silver and shiny and nowhere near as wonderful as I hoped it would be. Don't get me wrong, I like the new computer, I just don't know how much I like Windows Vista. It is not compatible with any of the programs or web-based applications I use for work and school. So it seems I will continue to work on my old, virused Toshiba at the little desk, and will ocassionally look over to my nice big desk and see the pretty silver laptop that made me cry today.

Come on web and program developers! Develop some patches to Vista, or whatever it is you can do to make my life easier.

OK, back to actual blog-worthy stuff. As you all know, Edward and Jen were with us for the past week. It was wonderful to have them and to get to spend a solid chunk of time with Edward. I love my brother very much and it was wonderful to have him here.

Justin left off his last blog with us smooshed in the car and heading to Wiesbaden. The drive was tight, but smooth, and we arrived intact to our apartment around dinner time on Sunday. Pecos greeted us with all the excitment he could muster (as shown above). In his defense, Pecos did perk up a bit when we started eating delicious Turkish take-out for dinner.

On Monday, Edward and Jen got to enjoy a day-in-the-life-of Kate. It began with me working (note the crappy computer, big desk combo picture above), and Edward and Jen sleeping in. Their sleeping in was greatly aided by the use of the Rolladen. Rolladen are basically metal shutters that you can roll down to different levels to block light (or thieves) out of a room. Edward, who would sleep in a cave if he wouldn't be considered a hermit, loved the Rolladen. He even took a picture of them; though they are only partially closed in the picture below.

Once I finished working, I took Edward and Jen to exciting places like the library, PX, and commissary. When Justin joined us after work, we went up to Neroberg, the wooded mountain above Wiesbaden. We enjoyed a Wiesbaden vista, a walk in the woods, and a tree that would make a good hiding spot. After a dinner of chilli, we all retired for the evening.

On Tuesday, Edward and Jen finally got to enjoy a bit of Germany. We headed up the Rhein to the picturesque town of Rudesheim. Here we walked around and noted the furious efforts of the town folk to prepare for the tourists that will soon be upon them. As we were a bit early in the day and the season, the town was not as exciting as it could be.

We left Rudesheim and continued up the Rhein. We admired the many castles en route and looked at the big rock that is immortalized in German folk-legend as the Lorelei (not named after Lorelei Gilmore from the Gilmore Girls, surprisingly). After a quick ferry across the Rhein, we headed back south, to Justin's, Pecos's, and my favorite Rhein-destination, Bacharach.

Justin and I enjoy Bacharach for its quaintness and its devotion to the wine god, Pecos likes Bacharach for its easy access to the Rhein and Rheinsteins,and I think Edward and Jen came to like Bacharach too. I'm not going to bore you with the wonderfulness of Bacharach (I think it's appeared in at least three other posts), just accept that it's a great town, unmatched in its charm, and that if you come visit, I'll probably take you there.

After enjoying some Bratwurst, we headed back to Wiesbaden to join Justin. Justin took us on a driving tour of Wiesbaden that ended at the Ratskeller--the place to go for authentic Bavarian grub in Wiesbaden. After gorging ourselves on meat and beer, we headed home to dream about the Swiss Alps. Edward will fill you on that venture soon.

PS: To any concerned fans (namely those whose names start with an L and end with an iz), Edward's mustache was temporary, though it will be immortalized in the blog forever.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...those pics look familiar. What a fun time we had!

C+A said...

wow! you guys go everywhere! looks like you had tons of fun :D can't wait to come visit someday!

Anonymous said...

Whatever, Kate...Edward is to moustache like Window's Vista is to old comptuer programs.

(p.s., Edward, I mean no offense. I am sure it was just a bad camera angle for facial hair. You probably looked like Tom Selleck's younger, more handsome son.)

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is such a pain that they throw new tecnology out into the market and let the public do their work for them...getting the bugs out. So sorry for all the grief, I am familiar with it.

I too admired the windows of your apartment, but for more than the metal shutters. I am just mindful of the fact that Edward is so pleased that he got my family's sleep gene. It came from my father.

Pecos in the Rhein looked the same as in August when you and I were at the same spot with Pecos scratching rocks off the bottom, and it is a swift river.


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics and of course I love your journaling!

Kate, I heard the same concerns about Vista. I thought of getting a new computer, but will have to wait until they get the bugs out. Maybe it's time to think about an iMac???

I would love to come and visit, but it will have to wait until I finish nursing school...like in 16 months from now. School starts May 16th. Wish me luck!

Love you guys! ~Aunt Laura