Wednesday, April 08, 2009

What happened to all those trips you guys took?

I am messing with the chronological ordering of this blog by posting this entry. We owe you two posts (one on Istanbul and one on Italy), but I am impatient of waiting for their authors to get cracking. So, here is a bit of what's been going on around here . . . dinner-time hijinks, attempts at "manual" vibrato, toe-jam sampling, and strawberry-hat modeling. 

Here Justin thinks Elizabeth looks like an old bitty sitting on a bench saying something like "Good heavens. When is that darned bus going to come? I guess I'll have to have one of those hard candies I keep in my purse."


DC MOM said...

Loosly defined, ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny...great video at the dining room table and Jackson would do exactly the same if I sat him at the top of the driveway with a bucket of balls; drop each of them and watch them roll out of his reach. But developmentally that is as far as Jackson is going...I have higher hopes for Elizabeth. Also great job with the vocals and foot in the mouth, but don't care much for the red hat.

Love to all

Anonymous said...

Loved the sport of "over the shoulder toy discarding". Loved her face when she was praised for getting the last one said: you liked that? why exactly did you like that? you guys are strange, but i'll take the compliment.
Baby Justin liked to make Indian noises game too. I hope it means she's gonna sing like her daddy do.:)

C+A said...

Cute! She's getting big!