Thursday, July 16, 2009

Milestone Mania

For those who read our blog to check out our travels, this entry is not for you, but we'll have a post about our recent trip to the Pyrennes up soon. However, for those who read our blog to check out Elizabeth, this entry IS for you.

Elizabeth went through a month or so of relative sameness. Sure, she sat up a little straighter and improved her table manners, but she wasn't hitting any new milestones. In the past week, all of that has changed.

Last Friday I found Elizabeth sitting up her crib after a nap for the first time. On Saturday, Elizabeth started crawling. On Monday, she started pulling to a standing position using Justin or I as support. And on Wendesday, she pulled herself up to a standing position using a piece of furniture. All of these skills are exciting, but very scary for Justin, Pecos, and me (perhaps mostly for Pecos who has been chased a few times and had his water dish overturned).

Elizabeth is also popping out four top teeth, which adds some drool and sleeplessness into the mix. Needless to say, I am pooped.

Crawling Day 1

First attempt at pulling up

Peek-a-boo player

The fruit bandit strikes again!

Naked explorer


der Waschbär said...

I love it!

Look at her go!

Miss you all.

Oma said...

Loved the videos!
Thank you!!
Too adorable!!

DC MOM said...

Great videos!!! It is cute when she starts off with the right foot planted on the floor, it looks like she is going to opt for some sort of left knee-right foot scoot.

We are going to have fun at the beach. Can't wait.

Apples don't have butts they have bottoms.