Saturday, October 17, 2009

Umbrelievable Umbria

Just wanted to share a few photos from our recent trip to Umbria (in central Italy), which involved sleeping, eating, napping, eating, driving around a bit to look at some rolling hills and the hill towns that dot the countryside, and watching Elizabeth eat rib bones.

We stayed one night in Pescara (which did, indeed, smell a bit fishy), two nights outside Norcia (home of truffles and smelly hog heads), and two nights outside Deruta (home of famous pottery which, thankfully, we didn't dote over).

Seriously, the rib bones were great. More pictures here:

Thanks to Jay and Linda for planning a wonderful and memorable adventure. Molto Bene! Grazie Mille! Viva Italia!

1 comment:

DC MOM said...

Love that shot of Justin and Elizabeth eating cones, before they get messy. That will decorate my desk at work. Looks like a great trip.