Friday, June 24, 2011

Rocky Mountain Fever

Paradoxically, we had both an excellent time and a horrible time in Colorado for a week earlier this month. It was most excellent because of the high mountains, the perfect weather, the great host who provided free lodging,  and the multitude of Western things to do. It was horrible because I was severely limited by the worst cold I think I've ever gotten in my life ... so bad, in fact, that I got my first-ever ear infection. So bad, that I probably would have called in sick at least three of the five workweek days. So bad, that I unfortunately passed it on to Elizabeth (who suffered a runny nose the whole time and is now suffering from congestion, a cough, two infected ears, and pink eye).

She also fell down the stairs while at my Aunt Laura's house (our host) and chipped at least three teeth. She's going to a pediatric dentist next week. (Not these stairs)

Anyway, enough chat. Bring on the pitchas!

Henry's first plane ride (he did well)
Elizabeth said she liked hiking ... what she really liked was picking up rocks and pine cones and throwing them

The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo (that's a giraffe snoot that just snarfed some lettuce)

Elizabeth was a big girl and rode a kid's train all by herself

She then rode a carousel (this shot was taken after it stopped. She didn't ride side saddle and Bill didn't try to read the instructions while in motion) 

The kids went swinging almost every day.
Evidence of my cold

A bear statue outside Cave of the Winds ... we almost completed a whole cavern tour, but Elizabeth had to pee, so we needed a special exit escort to get us out before it was renamed Cave of the Streams 

E nursing doll baby Billy by some neat formation

I wore E on most long hikes. She liked pretending to be a sleeping baby.

Helen Hunt falls. Seriously. Look it up.

Here E is doing the 'Sleeping Baby'

Our heavy, squirmy and hot backpacks

Kate said she would go running here if we lived in Colorado Springs
This is also on Kate's running trail
Ice cream at Manitou Springs

Ice cream down low, runny nose up high. She prefers the boogies. 

Our gracious hosts on the cog train up to Pike's Peak. The train is slower than the scenery makes it appear.

Henry asked to be the highest person in Colorado. Kate indulged 

The view from 14,110

Woh, someone hold onto me please. 

Elizabeth spotting a mama Elk

I told Elizabeth she didn't need those because she could just look through the bench. She didn't understand

Seven Falls ... not as glorious as it sounds
Bring the camera in the pool, daddy

Chillin poolside (at the hotel pool in Denver). Pass the sunscreen, yo

At the Children's Museum in Denver, Elizabeth found three Billies
0.1 seconds before E gets slimed by mama
 Dr. E diagnosed Woofy with a chronic cough (it kept hounding him)

The children's museum was fun for all. I still feel weird calling these places 'museums,' as this always makes me think of things on display ... like children from different locations and time periods. But, alas, that's what we call them.

The 16th St. mall ... nice, but mostly chain stores  

E is standing in goose poop. Seriously.

E stretching on our failed trip to Rocky Mountain National Park

Our failed trip to Casa Bonita (the world's most entertaining restaurant / the world's biggest restaurant).  Here's a video someone else shot matching clips from their trip to a South Park episode about the place

An old Army range turned sanctuary
It was actually nice

Until next time!

1 comment:

C+A said...

Great pics! Kids are adorable! And, if I remember my Kate and Justin stories right, it is totally fitting that E going to the pediatric dentist after a traumatic teeth injury.