Wednesday, August 03, 2011

A very hot weekend

A few weekends ago, as the heat dome was spreading its magically oppressive powers over the East Coast, our childless friends Phil and Erica bussed up from Baltimore to get their fix on kids. And boy did they ever. We all met at the Queens apartment of Mike and Amanda (mutual friends), where four kids under three worked their cutest smiles and coos to get exactly what they wanted out of us unwitting accomplices.

Mostly, the toddlers (Elizabeth and Ethan) got to play fun games and eat calorie-rich food and the munchkins (Henry and Wesley) got to be held and kissed.

Henry cooled down in the pool:

Elizabeth and Ethan got cool toys and ice cream:

Mike impressed no one with his GRRL power (pronounced "girl" not "grill")

I was ecstatic to have some embarrassing "bath with friends" photos of Elizabeth

And the babies were passed around like a cough at a daycare:

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