Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hop hop bunny, bunny

As always, our holiday weekend was packed with visits to the grandparents. Unfortunately, we didn't take many pictures this trip, so sorry to those not pictured.

We started the weekend at Jay and Linda's with some Easter egg dying, 

Easter present opening, 
Easter present trying on, 
and a visit to Trader Joe's.
We then all got dressed up for an Easter Eve meal at Kathryn and Antonio's (which we have no pictures of).
 We woke up on Easter at Barbara and Bill's with baskets from the Easter Bunny.

 The day continued with an Easter egg hunt,

 trike riding,
 and some Easter posing.

1 comment:

DC MOM/GiGi said...

Why are those cherry trees pointing right?

Best picture is the green egg in the grass.

Happy Easter.