Tuesday, May 22, 2012

In the merry month of May

Hello, friends! And welcome to another blog where we post pictures with short explanations of what we've done in the past few weeks in lieu of recounting stimulating stories or funny anecdotes. Writing that kind of stuff takes effort and, frankly, we know you just come here to see pictures of our cute and folliclely-challenged children and would probably gloss over any discussion about current events or our jobs or how much we like living in NYC anyway. 

So here come some cute pictures of our kids!

It was a stiflingly muggy day - probably the hottest day of the year so far - and we were in Southern Virginia, only miles from Virginia Beach, known as one of the nicer beaches in the mid-Atlantic (and a place that actually has no-swearing signs. I swear (or I attest). Look it up.). So we thought, What better way to spend a hot, sunny day than in an indoor water park where we could:

Splash in the pee pee pool

Teach our children games of chance
Drive frighteningly happy hot dog cars
And frighten our children with animatronic robot puppets
We then drove up to be in DC for the week, where Elizabeth:

Perfected her bouncing skills (she did go into the bounce castle, we just have no proof of this)
Was exceedingly cute on the playground 
Tried to be exceedingly cute while eating a chocolate-and-sprinkle-covered rice krispie treat but was too overloaded with sugar to control the muscles in her face
Tried on every outfit at the Playseum in Bethesda, as evidenced by the above (Exhibit A) 
Exhibit B
Exhibit B with a wig
Exhibit C

Exhibit D
I forgot what I was saying. Anyway, here's Kate's slacking on the job. What is that, a doll clothing magazine? 
So Henry went shopping for oranges
And Elizabeth went shopping for orange juice (hmm.. . seems like we're denying our kids something)
Exhibit E
Elizabeth also made two very special cupcakes (guess which one she made for herself)
And got a side job at Dominoes, where she was the 'president of pizza'

We then spent a very fun hour at the National Arboretum on our way to Uncle Edward's house. Here we:

Visited the fairy forest (which is much easier to explain to kids than what it actually was)
Tried to pierce fishies with food pellets
Visited the sniffing garden
And stormed a bridge, scaring off all the nearby wildlife
 We also went to a park (Fort Ward) by Opa and Grandma's where I took too many pictures of the kiddos:

Finally, on our way back to Gotham we stopped by the College Park Aviation Museum, where, for three dollars, the kids got to explore the museum all by themselves (seemingly; there was actually another person or two in there at times)

Hope you enjoyed the photos!

1 comment:

DC MOM said...

Wow what a fun packed time. You did so much and I got to see evidence of Henry hanging, Elizabeth also, but she willingly performed in Boston this past weekend, while Henry didn't.