Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hot town, summer in the city

We spent the first week of July at home, resting ... in anticipation of our upcoming (and fabulous!) trip to the backwoods of Maine. How backwoods? Well, it bordered on what is called the Unorganized Territory of Maine, which was surprising to me in two ways. First, I didn't know we had any unorganized territories. Second, why is this label needed? What purpose does it serve? If it is needed for some weird reason, why call it 'unorganized.' That seems particularly pejorative. I think 'unincorporated' would be fine. 

We also had visitors from Germany this week, who, unfortunately, we didn't take any pictures of. But they (second cousin once removed Dustin and his friend Sven) hope they enjoyed our 100-degree heat index. They're now enjoying the Wild West with second cousin Uwe.

Anyway, here we are at home during the very hot first week of July.

Henry has been trying on women's fashions ... like Kate's shoes
And like this beautiful sun hat
Our garden was picking up steam until we left it unattended during a hot and dry week
This was our best blueberry. Most were small and tart
These were picked to thin out the bunch; they're all different colors. The purple ones (not shown here) are my favorite
These are now red and in our kitchen (or bellies)
These peppers are now yellow and outside
future yum!
We have an ear now the size of E's foot
A good use of time on a hot day
Checking our gear for holes
Chef Boy Henry (pronounced on-REE)

Patriotic apparel
Dancing at the park to an oldies band
NYC's Fourth of July fireworks as seen from Bay Ridge

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