Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bug Birthday

It's E's birthday week. It's also the beginning of cold and flu season, which means that the kids' colds continue to wreck birthday plans. On Wednesday of last week, E had the croup and on Thursday H threw up in bed, causing E to miss two days of school and causing us to cancel E's birthday party on Saturday. Both kids were miraculously better on E's actual birthday, which allowed us to do our annual birthday photo shoot (polka dot dress pics) as well as take some birthday pictures around the house. However .... 

One of three dresses from Aunt Breanna. E loved them all!

A pink-and-white cookie for E's birthday breakfast

H thinks this is a throwing mitt

We put prizes in a mixture of sand, salt, flour and coffee grounds and baked them to make surprise rocks 

A special treat: The most sickeningly sweet confection imaginable

A special treat: E watches Tangled while eating dinner
On Sunday the sicknesses were back. E's whining reached its patience-sapping zenith while H developed a flu. They were of course healthy enough to make cupcakes.

Both kids were well enough on Tuesday for a postponed bug-themed party that included bug cake, pin-the-spider-on-the-web as well as a gross feel box that included slugs (mini marshmallows in oil), worms (noodles in oil), and butterfly wings (onion skin). But, yet again, H went to bed early with a fever. I guess you could say he caught a bug.

1 comment:

DC MOM/GiGi said...

In the beginning, portrait pictures, poor Elizabeth looks sick; bummer for her birthday. I like the polka dot dress and the fuzzy pink tiara. That is some PINK cream cheese. The party looks like it went off well. I assume the “rocks” with prizes inside were the party favors? Cute idea, but Henry looks like the whole idea grosses him out.
Hope everyone is well now and just in time to travel this weekend.