Friday, November 09, 2012

Cookie of the Month: Paprenjaci

For the month of November, the kids made Paprenjaci, which are Croatian black pepper cookies. They are served on Croatia Airlines, where Justin once sampled them and immediately fell in love. I agree that they are tasty.

Typically, both Justin and I are on hand if Henry is going to help bake, but since Justin is working so much, I was on my own. Thanks to Henry's over-exuberance with the mixing, rolling, and cookie cutting, these cookies might taste a bit like frustration . . . my frustration. Fortunately, frustration tastes good.

 The Naked Chef!

 Come on, you would be frustrated, too.

 Note the spill from out more advanced baker.

 Over-exuberant surface flouring.
 Refusing to give up the roller.

 Cookie cutter craziness!
 Rolling out cookies for sixth time thanks to Henry ruining five of every ten we cut.


DC MOM/GiGi said...

Isn't there a rule in the food industry about cooking in your PJ's and naked from the waist down??? the frustration tasted good. Thanks

Kate said...

There is also a rule about child labor, but we ignore it.