Monday, July 14, 2014

Cookie of the Month: July -- Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Can you believe that this is our FOURTH YEAR of operation? We can't. The kids are getting older, which sounds like a good thing for quality, but what actually will happen is that we will let the kids do MORE of the tasks (or at least more independently), which may result in a lesser quality treat. But we think the grandparents are cool with that. They get (occasionally) delicious baked goods for the price of simply NOT telling the feds about our child labor ring. Or, as we call them here, economically active youths. Heck, they make more (in cookies and kisses) than many interns. It's a win-win!

We weren't sure we were going to launch another year of this club, honestly. There are so many other things our precious (Kate says I shouldn't call them 'special') kids can do for their grandparents. Draw, paint, mold, write, etc. Plus, we were running out of cookie ideas. But we decided that, what the heck, who doesn't like baked goods! 

So this year, our theme is going to be: Chocolate Chip Cookies.

Why, you ask? Well, first, everyone likes 'em. Second, there are so many different varieties (soft batch, crunchy, with M&Ms, with zucchini, etc.). Third, they are super easy to make ... which is good for the laborers and good for the supervisors.

Hope the grandparents enjoy! Here are photos from the July baking session.

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