Tuesday, November 04, 2014

The October 2014 edition of "At home in NYC"

In no particular order, here are some of our goings-on from October:

Celebrating E's birthday ... Native American style:
Me leading a rhythmic dance game 
Kate's Native American tableau (the bear and fox are both hidden from view)
No idea what Henry's doing, but I thought it looked cool.

Celebrating on the morning of E's actual birthday

I was a bit surprised at how good E was at Legos

I think everyone is quite familiar with this already...no further explanation needed.

E's class's Halloween Party

Going to see Matilda with GiGi

Waiting for Godot ... to high-five her

Henry wanted to dress up like a dad ... we're at the NY Botanical Gardens

Boo at the Zoo

Guess which design was Henry's idea

I tried to artificially lighten these dark images (I used the wrong setting on the camera). They didn't turn out very bright, but at least you can see how cute Robin Hood and Maid Marion were on Halloween in Bay Ridge.


DC MOM/GiGi said...

Wow October was a really packed month. I didn't realize that Elizabeth wore her Native American costume for her party. Matilda was great! And Trick-or-Treating was great. What a wonderful weekend. Thanks

DC MOM/GiGi said...

Meant to ask, did that Pumpkin weighed 1,004 pounds?