Sunday, February 01, 2015

The December 2014 edition of "At home in NYC"

Faithful blog readers, we're terribly sorry about the delay in giving you an update on our past two months. As you're all most likely aware, just after the New Year, we moved ... two blocks south. Our landlord informed us in September that we had to be out of our apartment by January and so, after a few weeks of looking around the neighborhood, we settled on a place that's about 25 percent smaller, and 23 percent more expensive. It's not like it's a bad deal, though. In fact, all things considered, it's a good deal and Kate and I are very happy with it. But, the deal that we had at the old place was, quite simply, unbelievably good. I say 'unbelievable' because we would tell people who lived in the neighborhood or nearby what we paid for our apartment and many people would, honestly, say something like 'I can't believe that.' So now we just have a regular ol' good deal.

Anyway, back to the kids. December was of course a sad month for us, spent collecting empty boxes from the grocery store, filling those boxes with our belongings, and stacking them against the wall. But we did manage to have a good time doing a few other things, including:

Making ornaments and decorating the tree:

Drawing Christmas-y pictures to decorate the house:

Making gingerbread men:

Staying inside during the cold weather:

 Attending local events, like this wheat grass planting event:

Visiting Aunt Breanna and Uncle Brian in historic Morristown:

Listening to Elizabeth sing with her class during a Winter Recital:

Visiting Manhattan to see store windows and visit Santa at Macy's:

General hijinks:

Seeing the crazy people in Dyker Heights spend lots of money on their electricity bills:

Oh, and Elizabeth was recognized as the "Star of the Week" in her class:

Finally, we got to Christmas:

We ended the year with a game night at a friend's house in the neighborhood:

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