Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Jacuzzi from hell

It’s the end of the world as we know it here in Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring zwölf. After finishing season one of this show called Felicity – which, by the way, I’m not ashamed to admit I actually kind of like…which I guess makes me more effeminate than Javier when he shed a tear over not being able to decide whether to try out for Man of La Mancha or not.

Anyway, I was actually going somewhere with this. (Damn Felicity, always crowding my brain with your endearing and captivating moral issues!) After looking up at the heavens after the season one finale, I noticed a large stain had appeared on the ceiling above the office where, only days earlier, Kate had asked, “Was that small stain always there?”

I had said yes, pretending to have been observant. No, however, Kate knew that I was very wrong.

There’s also another stain on the other side of the wall, so there’s no doubt the leak is pretty significant.

The stains are no doubt caused by water leakage – this water no doubt comes from our upstairs neighbors’ heating system which no doubt has burst because the pipes are 120 years old. This leaves us with no doubt that we’ll die in an inundating torrent of previously superheated water, which would actually quite pleasant if it weren’t cascading down our walls.
But, fear not. The deluge has not yet occurred. And we’ve contacted our Hausmeister. At this point, we’re just waiting…..

…for the Jacuzzi from hell!

Here's a cute pic of Pecos, btw...taken this morning by Kate. (He, too, is fearing the imminent deluge).


C+A said...

justin! HELLO! we are friends forever! as you may well know, i LOVE felicity! and i own ALL FOUR SEASONS! however, this may be more acceptable for me, being female and all.

nonetheless, sharing a love for felicity make me feel like we are better friends! (we understand the complexities of the noel-ben drama)

happy thanksgiving!

C+A said...

btw i love the pecos hiding picture

Anonymous said...

I am afraid I have NO Felicity reference. However upon first glancing at this posting I thought the water stains in the were Impressionist paintings. I thought, for sure, you had gone to an exhibit and were sharing these snaps of paintings with us, your viewers.

On the bright side, if the wster marks do not go away, you can pass them off as Impressionistic work.

Pecos, as always, is cute.

Anonymous said...

What horrible typos!! I will try to be better at my proof reading.