Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Did you see all those people gathered in DC to celebrate Elizabeth's three-month birthday?

Yesterday, I was so consumed with celebrating Elizabeth's quarter-year birthday that I kept forgetting it was the inauguration. At least I'm not deluded enough to think all those people gathered in DC were there to celebrate my darling baby's three-month birthday. She might be the center of my world, but I know she's not that impressive to everyone else . . . except for you, dear readers (aka grandparents) so here's an Elizabeth update.
Elizabeth now has really good head control. She spends time on her tummy every day, and doesn't mind it anywhere near as much as she used to. In the video below, she is enjoying her googly-eyed audience and will contentedly watch them (and sometimes talk to them) for up to 10 minutes at a time.

Due to Elizabeth's strong neck muscles, I decided to let her try out facing forward in our baby wrap. She certainly enjoyed riding around like a big girl, even if my hair did make me look (according to Justin) like George Washington.
Elizabeth has become an excellent night sleeper, and will sleep one six to eight hour stretch each night. She only wakes up once or twice in an eleven hour period, which makes mama very happy. She also goes down without a fuss, which gives Justin and me some time to hang out each night. We're still working on naps, but the past two days she has been napping well, so I have hope that trend will continue.
All in all, she's doing wonderfully, and so are the rest of us. I love having a little family of four.


Anonymous said...

You do not look anything like George Washington.


Anonymous said...

When you took the camera around behind Elizabeth, seeing the large and silly eyes of her audience made me laugh...and i imagined a little Kate pretending she was the teacher to a class full of stuffed animals. What is it they say about the apple falling not far from the tree!:)