Sunday, October 16, 2011


We are wrapping up a busy weekend that included a birthday party and a fall festival, but I'm posting about last weekend and last week when we went to a "farm" and Philadelphia. We're in the midst of a busy couple of weeks, so expect lots of posts.

So, last weekend we learned about milking cows,
went on a pony ride for the first time,
enjoyed a hay ride,

rested on a cow bench (with Ethan Williams),
checked out some chickens,
loved on bunnies,
and picked out some pumpkins.

The shirts were painted by Elizabeth!
Then it was hot, so we pulled out the pool for the last dip of the season.
On Monday, Henry had a long doctor's appointment so Justin and Elizabeth explored a new neighborhood and park. They watched some Tai Chi,
anticipated tasting the best Vietnamese sandwich around,
and then really enjoyed the sandwich.
Justin had work in Philly during the week, so the kids and I accompanied him. We saw dinosaur bones for the first time,
went on a canoe ride,
got scared when a turtle swam too close,
played on a tortoise,
dined with Opa,
tried to recreate old photos (scroll down to the Philly section),

explored the Magic Gardens

Elizabeth took this one!
and dined with Opa once more.

1 comment:

DC MOM/GiGi said...

What great shirts!!! I am really impressed. And Henry looks so different in profile, sitting amidst the pumpkins; I thought he was a Williams. What kind of chickens are those? And whatever did Elizabeth think of dinosaurs or possible she is not old enough to be able to wrap her brain around them. In the canoe ride Henry looks like he is shooting the rapids. The magic garden looks very intriguing. You look so much like Isabelle in the Philly recreations.