Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Falling for fall

The past few weeks have zoomed past faster than a neutrino. No? OK, how about faster than the universe is expanding? (Sorry, it's been a couple of neat weeks in physics.) Anyway, here we are in October (OCTOBER!), with cool weather, crunchy leaves, and a scary movie no doubt in store for Kate and I this weekend. Ah, fall...I love you.

But you guys just want to know about the kiddies, huh? Well here's what they've been up to:

Helping pick and eat small, gnarly carrots
Pretending to understand what we're talking about

Showing Unc Ewar the underbelly of Brooklyn (it's the Transit Museum)

Saying hi to an underground kitty 

Doing reverse Vulcan gang signs

Chasing some lady around the topiaries at Longwood Gardens

Being disappointed in the bad joke (Frog parking: All others will be toad)

Shrinking down to GI Joe size with mama 
Jumping in the old grass

Crawling in the new grass

Wearing a baby, just like mama

Getting sunburned with dad at New Castle, DE

Blasting off into space (Note: Elizabeth is blasting off Billy too)

Wait. Who's this baby? And is that a bacon milkshake?

Determining the perfect apple at a farm in MD

Testing the produce
Trying to be sweet (again, I think Henry is trying to make the reverse Vulcan sign)
Wearing matching clothing ... but no one can match that toothy grin

1 comment:

DC MOM/GiGi said...

Liked the opening physics and did you see the Super Nova in the dipper’s handle about 2-3 weeks ago? No I didn’t either but I did hear about it.
Wow what a pumpkin!!! I have never seen one that size. And great jumping on Elizabeth’s part and Henry is moving so fast that he is blurry. Where is the 3rd Ward? We have one in the district. Great toofs!