Sunday, December 04, 2011

Henry is 10 months old (and a few weeks)

Hello, friends and family and welcome to the blog post with Henry's 10-month birthday photo shoot. Yes, he turned 10 months old last month. (My, my you're quick!) But we were traveling and our camera broke and another excuse goes here. Sorry. We have since gotten a new point-and-shoot camera that has a few awesome features, such as slow motion and color swap. I'll show you what I mean in a future post.

Until then, here are some of the best "10-month" photos, which we took today ... which is technically still closer to his 10-month birthday than his 11-month birthday (by 1 day, I think. Feel free to double check that if you like. I used by fingers and the "30 days hath September" rhyme to remember November).


1 comment:

DC MOM/GiGi said...

Cute snaps and he is very soon to pop more teeth.