Sunday, January 08, 2012

Better late than never . . . Thanksgiving 2011

Over Christmas, we finally took the time to retrieve our Thanksgiving pictures from our old camera and from my dad's camera. So, here is a quick Thanksgiving wrap-up.

On the way down to DC, we stopped off in Philadelphia so Justin could take care of some work. The kids and I spent a long and very fun day at the Please Touch Museum where Elizabeth worked in a children's hospital, 
Henry steered a boat,
and Elizabeth caught up on her reading
and tried on high heels.
Once we got to Bethesda, Elizabeth and Justin went ice skating

At Opa and Grandma's house, Elizabeth helped with the whipped cream
 while the guys cared for the bird.
 We finished our long, ten-day, trip with a visit to the National Harbor for Justin's work.

I also found this cute video on the camera.
Coming soon, Cancun pictures!

1 comment:

DC MOM/GiGi said...

Love Henry playing with the mail slot, Jackson would probably do likewise if given the chance.