Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cookie of the month: Month 7

Inspired by her recent trip to Mexico, Elizabeth made Mexican Hot Chocolate cookies this month. The cookies had cayenne in them, which gives them quite a kick. Initial reports actually call the cookies too spicy. 

While making the cookies, Elizabeth made the mistake of licking cayenne right off her finger. Screaming, crying, and cheese eating quickly followed. Next month, we'll try something a bit tamer.


DC MOM/GiGi said...

They are actually very tasty and the heat doesn't kick in until the end and it is not too spicy for me. It is just that I am not a big sweet eater.

Sorry to hear about the licking of the fingers, but actually that is better than putting those fingers in the eyes, for not much can be done for that but to cry.

Love the head decor!!

Erica said...

Looks like they were YUMMY!! I would have loved them! Miss you guys! Xoxo Erica & Phil