Sunday, August 12, 2012

August cookie of the month: Short Bread (better than sweet breads)

Hello both of you faithful blog followers. In this post we will show you a few photos of our mostly crazy daughter helping make short bread. I love short bread. And Kate and I thought it would be an appropriate addition this month for our Around the World cookie of the month club members, as these cookies are most likely being purchased and consumed by visitors to the biggest global spectacle taking place in August. And it's not Natalie Portman's wedding.

So, enjoy the photos and try not to stare directly into Elizabeth's fake smile, which, you'll see, she unfortunately taught to Henry. 

1 comment:

DC MOM/GiGi said...

The shortbread cookies were DEE-lish!! cute cooking shots. Henry seems to be copying Elizabeth's forced camera grimace in some of the shots.