Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cloudy Carolina

Earlier this month, the kids and I joined my parents for their annual trip to North Carolina. The kids enjoyed themselves despite the rainy weather we encountered. They were happy running around the house, getting into my mom's makeup, smearing food on each other while eating, poking the dogs, washing the car, and waking up my mom every time she tried to go "night night." Interspersed with these amusements were trips to the sound (in an oyster free section) and the beach where they had fun digging and swimming. 

We also took a trip to the local aquarium, 

enjoyed cake pops from CiCi (a family friend),
ate popsicles daily,
flashed our winning smiles,
played with story-telling cards,
"posed' on the beach,

jumped in holes,
posed some more,

and tried on new "hats."

As usual, I forgot to take any pictures with my parents.

Pecos was also on the trip and enjoyed his time digging in the sand. I also failed to take picture of him. He is doing well, is very gray, and likes to sneak inside so he can sleep under a bed.

1 comment:

DC MOM/GiGi said...

It is just fine that you took no pictures of me. And the pictures of Elizabeth and Henry are great. We should have gotten a picture of us in the water bobbing them in the waves which was great fun, but I suppose if we were all in the water there was no one to take a picture.
Also of note is Henry's great comfort when floating in the water. I suppose that "comfort" will vanish by next summer. Too bad.