Sunday, October 06, 2013

An ideal Bay Ridge weekend ... and some slow motion videos

This weekend started with pizza and ice cream on Friday, a costume parade on Saturday, and the annual 3rd Ave. Fest on Sunday. Oh, and the weather was in the 70s and Baba and Pop-pop were with us all weekend too. We made and ate cookies, had bagels, donuts, and rice pudding throughout the weekend, and had fun playing with magnets and slow-motion videos (see video, below). It's difficult to concoct a more ideal weekend.

Here is proof of this weekend's festivities:

The annual Ragamuffin Parade
H as Fireman Sam
H trying to woo the ladies with his 'smolder' look. 
To go along with the 'fire' theme, Miss E was a Firefly Fairy
The Million Munchkin March 
Sunday morning on the stoop
Da Family
The Third Ave. Fest
Apparently I'm the only one who is aware that I'm taking a photo
H noting the cadential progressions of the harmonic minor allowed by the capo  
A blue iguana and a purple swan. (We don't encourage gender stereotypes; they occur naturally. Like's the difference in the kids' skin color)

Video time!:



DC MOM/GiGi said...

Love the slow motion videos. The Pom-pom looks like a dog shaking off water.
Now I know what a fire-fairy looks like. Is this like a lightening-bug? Looks like a fun weekend.

DC MOM/GiGi said...

The firefly fairy is really cute as are the smoldering looks.