Thursday, September 26, 2013

Another occasional post about pictures that were stuck on our camera

Hello, all you adoring fans,
Faithful blog followers eager for an update,
Friends and family,
Who am I kidding … Dear, Kathryn,

As happens from time to time, Kate told me that I haven't been doing a good job of doing something. In this case, it was keeping the blog updated. She cited the fact that we went to see Edward and Stephanie on Labor Day Weekend and we still didn't have anything posted online about that. I then said I took all the pictures off the camera and I didn't see any pictures from that trip ... to which she replied, "Look again." So, from a relatively obscure folder on our camera (seriously, they were in a separate folder from the rest of the pictures) to you, here are the best shots from that trip. 

Air & Space Museum. Don't go on Labor Day Weekend. It was filled with lots of small humanoid-like creatures that I sometimes wished were on a different planet. 

Native American Museum. Very big, very nice, and very empty.

National Botanic Garden. E really liked the 'backyard garden' part of this.

The crew minus Edward (driving to pick up Stephanie) and Little Miss E (photographer)

Other photos that were on the camera when I pulled our Labor Day Weekend shot included some from a recent weekend when we had Aunt Meg, Jim, and Gigi come to visit. Unfortunately, a combination of a short weekend and leaving the cameras tucked safely away in purses led to little evidence of this weekend having even existed. Here are Kate and H on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Then there's this beauty.

And, while you're here, you may as well check out these photos of E's first day of school. (Yes, more photos! These weren't stuck on the camera, though. They were taken with our other camera, which doesn't come out to play very often.)


DC MOM/GiGi said...

That picture of the Native American Indian Museum looks suspiciously like a basketball court. They (Native Americans) had them? Basketball courts? I thought they (Native Americans) invented lacrosse.
I certainly hope I don’t get any of those monster big-leaved plants in my back yard garden. I have enough monster plants as is. Fun weekend on the 14th, thanks for that.
The face painting is awesome but what was that for or from?
Henry has a ponytail?? Mighty small pony!! Maybe I should say Samurai warrior hairdo. Second from last and last photos of first day of school are very sweet.

DC MOM/GiGi said...

I forgot to comment on the opening...I am certain you have many fans and followers Justin.
Hopefully they will step up with some comments.