Friday, June 16, 2006

Silent patriotism

Yeah, so I totally flubbed the Saudi Arabia thing. But while you, my dear readers, were all quick to point out my utter lack of knowledge about soccer (which, I might add, many of you didn't even know that the World Cup had started. Yes, you can admit it. This is a safe zone ... ) no one has been able to identify the flag that I did post. 10 points and a scoop of pistachio ice cream for the first person to name the country.

Kate and I took advantage of being American today, eating a hunka hunka Baskin Robbins on base and watching the movie, "The Break-Up" on the big screen for $4 each.

Tomorrow is a wine fest in Bacharach - Rick Steves' favorite town in Germany - followed by the donning of patriotic, red-white-and-blue apparel while we sit at a crowded, outdoor Italian restaurant, eating Italian food, and being encircled by baudy, drunken Italian soccer fans, trying not to get our asses kicked. Yes, we're asking for trouble. Will we be justified in cheering? Probably...assuming the U.S. actually scores this time. Will we actually cheer? If we want to provoke a kick in the groin.

It's silent patriotism.

Here's a picture of Kate not posing correctly.

And we successfully had our first "house" guests stay for two nights this week. (House is in quotes because, yes, we still live in a hotel.) Ladies' Man Rob Homeyer and his Soldier/frat brother Eric Thies successfully survived two days of Pecos licking. What hospitality!

You could be next, you know. Book your tickets now for a good face-licking.

Here's a pic of our guests and us together, at a good Bavarian place. They had schnitzel - we had veggie dishes. And we all had beer.

Below is another pic of Rob. I don't know which is curiouser: Rob or the little Euro car.

Vienna and Bratislava next week. Pics to follow.


Anonymous said...


The flag is from the Australian territory of Norfolk Island. Got any more? because I could go for 2 scoops of pistachio ice cream.

Unknown said...

*Pistachio ice cream coming up!

*Disclaimer: Although this prize is good for two years, the winner must come to Wiesbaden, Germany, to claim it.

Anonymous said...

Kate needs to practice the arm posture.