Saturday, June 10, 2006

World Cup fever and strawberries

World Cup fever has spread like the legs of a prom date. Country flags are proudly displayed in every nook and from every vertical surface available - and not just German and Brazilian flags. In addition to the popular soccer-country flags and even in addition to the rarely seen flags of countries whose main exports are dirt and flies (e.g., Cote de Ivore, Ghana, and Angola), I saw flags of teams not even in the tournament. I'm talking about the Saudi Arabian flag and even this one:

This weekend also marks the height of strawberry season in this part of Germany. There are strawberries everywhere; so much so that the Germans don't know what to do with them all, so they're resorting to putting them in random places that don't normally have strawberries, like with anchovies on pizza and, as this picture shows, in champagne. I think I saw a German strawberry merchant use them for fish bate.

There's also a local fest going on in Wiesbaden this weekend. Apparently after 11 p.m., local fests turn into social affairs for 16-year-olds girls with lax parents who don't mind them drinking in public. Here's a pic that I took inconspicuously (you can tell by the odd angle).

Anyway, all is good here. Just another pointless excuse to publish photos.

Also, notice the name of the imbiss in the first pic. Classic.


Anonymous said...

Go Peru!

Anonymous said...

Whoops. Perhaps Peru will qualify next time.

Anonymous said...

Strawberries belong in champagne, but not with anchovies. Pecos looks cute and so do you. And I am glad to see that Pecos is back to normal, how did his debriefing go? I was going to point out your error on Saudi Arabia but I see that is already taken care of.

Anonymous said...
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