Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Life without Schlumpy

The train of life trudges on here. After our raucous bout with a stinky homeless varmint named Schlumpy, things have been pretty tame ‘round these parts.

After work on Friday, Kate and I cooked up some tasty Spanish food (paellas, empanadas, flan, etc.) and invited some friends over to play games. Our goal was to get our unaware guests tanked on vino and cervesa and then whup their asses in board games. Unfortunately, although I thought the idea we had concocted was pretty sound, our playing abilities that night started out dismally, with both Kate and I poorly representing our strategic thinking skills in the first game of the night, the Settlers of Cataan.

The flan and coffee after the loss must have reenergized our abilities somehow, because Kate and I had the best showing in the history of the game of Trivial Pursuit later on, with us collecting all the pie pieces and landing in the center before anyone else had even rolled the dice. Yes, it’s true. We are gods. GODS of Trivia! Thou Shalt Fear Our Random Knowledge!!! The Capital of North Dakota is BISMARK! The Actress Known for Her Ability to Master Almost Any Accent is Merryl Streep!

On Saturday, Kate had a Girl’s Night at a friends’ place where they tried Oprah’s new martini recipe and talked about shopping while I partook in a Man’s Night consisting of drinking massive amounts of beer, vociferously critiquing the local women, and eating pizza.

Sunday had us at Linda and Jay’s for a relaxing evening of Asian stir-fry and a complicated French board game called “Metro.”

Right now we’re excited about our upcoming trip to Poland. Here’s a picture of Pecos to tide you over until we’re back.


Anonymous said...

Is Pecos doing him "bed slug" imitation?

Look forward to reading about Poland.

C+A said...

pecos looks sad without schlumpy :( i wish i could give him a hug

Anonymous said...

Tuesday late, EDT. I checked and there is no Poland entry.

No pressure, just wanted to let you know that I do check, since I have been negliget in the past about keeping up with the BLOG.