Sunday, October 26, 2008

Elizabeth – Week 1: The Fecal Position

Hi all – Just wanted to give a brief update on life in the Ward family this week.

After spending a few restless and sore nights in the hospital recovering from her C-section, Kate was feeling well enough on Friday to come home with our stinky sprout in tow.
We’re now adjusting to life’s little miracle by buying lots of German breastfeeding products, taking naps, and manipulating our sleeping baby into poses no child should ever be subjected to, such as playing air guitar, doing the cha-cha, and (Kate’s favorite) getting the shakes while benchpressing too much weight.

Family Ward is also enjoying the kind convalescent care the Ward Seniors (Jay and Linda) are providing, including frequent commissary trips, enchiladas, and phone check-ins to make sure mom and baby are adjusting to life A.D. (after delivery).

Pecos is showing affection, but is generally still undecided about the whole baby thing.
And we finally made our first foray into the Great Outdoors – to get mail and play fetch with Pecos. All seemed to go just fine…no apparent allergies to air or grass or nature yet.
Oh, and about the title: Babies poop. A lot. As such we have a whole fecal station set up to handle the frequent and massive movements. As Kate’s still on the mend, I’m usually the one taking up the Fecal Monitoring and Janitorial Service positions. And it’s not too bad. Baby poop, I’ve discovered, smells like chicken, which is far better than regular poop.

Either way, Pecos loves the smell (and taste) of her and continually asks for more, ostensibly because he's so caring. Check out his eyes in this picture. Deep down, though, I think he thinks she's dinner.


Cara said...

She's so cute! Really actually adorable for a newborn (most of them are still wrinkly and a little funny looking). You guys all look great.

Just in case you need it, I've found and the la leche league forums to be great for breastfeeding help!

Unknown said...

Thanks Cara! We definitely need all the help we can get. And from the looks of your little one, feeding was not a problem!


Anonymous said...

Hey Justin!
Your Daughter ist really sweet!


Cara said...

Ha! Just saw your response. By the looks of her it's true, you couldn't possibly imagine that's she's not a good feeder.

Oh but she is. We had LOTS of problems in the beginning (and she still likes to put up a fight), which is why I'm very familiar with the breastfeeding websites!