Monday, February 11, 2013

A snowy start to February, part I

We couldn't contain the merriment when Brooklyn got its first bit of snow in early February. There was so much joy in our household that it was difficult to communicate with the kids the importance of wearing enough layers before going outside; their brains were all a-sparkle with endless snow-filled possibilities like sledding and snowmen and icicle-pops. I believe we left the house before 8 (and that includes cooking and eating homemade pancakes for breakfast).

Here they are before a failed joint somersault down a hill
Extra effort? Nah, extra fun!
H showing the scale of cleanup NYC crews faced the following weekend
Snow even occasionally clouds the judgment of adults
The cold weather gave us a chance to stay inside and clean
And take the kids bowling

Sweatin' with the Oldies: E works out with Richard Simmons 

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