Friday, January 26, 2007

Hooty-hoo and a whupty-doo! After much ado, Kate is back and she has a blog for you!

The last time I posted a blog was a month ago. To say the least, this update is long overdue and just plain long. I am finally back in Germany (Justin and I flew back on Tuesday night) and I am relishing the relatively relaxing rate of life here.

So, what have I been up to? Glad you asked….(I can always count on you, my faithfully curious and imaginary reader).

Right after I last posted, I flew to Chicago for New Years’ weekend and was hosted by the welcoming and legendary Carole and Adam (our old neighbors). They are doing tons of work on their new house in Oak Lawn (a woodsy Chicago suburb) and can throw words like “aluminum alloy” and “corrosion resistant” like it’s nobody’s business. Their place looks great and I can’t wait to go back and be amazed at their progress.

While in Chi-town, I met up with friends from varying circles. There was lunch with coworkers on Friday, coffee with water-polo-friend Natalie on Saturday, and brunch with the Wicklanders (Andrew, Malie, and Leila – their baby) and John on Sunday. Also, Carole and I watched a lot of the first season of 90210 (when Andrea was only 37 years old) and hung out in the city. I do miss Chicago dearly.

On Tuesday I left the Windy City and returned to my parent’s house in Maryland, where I worked furiously until driving up to Pittsburgh on Friday. In Pittsburgh, the only city that considers itself a part of the Midwest even though the Census borough says “no” (they say Pittsburgh is in “Appalachia”), I stayed with Liz in her new house. She just bought a row house in the Lawrenceville neighborhood of Pittsburgh and moved in about a week before I got there. The new digs, however, were already looking great and the guest room was very comfortable. Thanks, Liz! Thanks also go out to Liz’s new dog Lucy, who is super sweet and cute and made my stay even more pleasant. I think she and Liz will be very happy together.

I left Pittsburgh on Sunday and on Monday went down to Barbara’s (Justin’s mom) house in Southern Maryland. As Justin already informed you, Oma peacefully passed on Wednesday (January 10). I stayed at Barbara’s until Thursday, and as sad and difficult as those days were, I am so happy I was there for Barbara. I am also happy that the last time Oma and I talked, she told me, in true Oma form, “I love you. I don’t know why, but I love you.”

Justin flew back to Maryland on Friday to be with his mother for the week. (I trained him well). After he landed, though, Barbara and Bill insisted that he and I spend some time together. So, although it had been five weeks of separation, I still thought (and still think) Justin should have been with his mom. But what do I know?

That night, a jet-lagged but super-caffeinated Justin had dinner with my family. The next day, Barbara and Bill came to get Justin while Dad and I went to the Maryland-Clemson men’s basketball game. Maryland won, btw. It was an awesome game and it was wonderful to spend the day with my father.

On Sunday (are you keeping up? We’re on Jan. 14…pay attention), I flew to Atlanta for a hectic week of super long workdays. I only left the hotel once during the entire week. But, as stressful and busy as the week was, I loved it. I enjoy my work and I truly miss working full time.

On Friday, I flew back to Maryland to spend the evening with my parents and on Saturday, my mom and I drove down to Southern Maryland for a party celebrating Oma’s life. It was sort of like a wake, except that everyone was required to wear Oma’s favorite clothing styles (leopard print, gold, silver, or anything German) and eat Oma’s favorite foods (KFC, coleslaw, shrimp, éclairs, and chocolate). Justin and his mom had prepared a slideshow of Oma pictures for everyone to watch, which was very nice. Anyway, the party was wonderful and it was great for everyone to come together to celebrate Oma’s life.

The next day, Sunday the 21st, Justin and I went back up to my parent’s house to spend the day with my family. We shopped with my dad, took the dogs out to play in the snow, and had dinner and played Pictionary with the family. Edward and Jen beat Justin and me in Pictionary…but only by using cheaters’ rules. We’ll have to have a rematch when they come to visit us at the end of March (Yay and yippee for that!).

On Monday, Justin and I drove down to Southern Maryland to celebrate what would have been Oma’s 92nd birthday. We met Barbara, Bill, Randy (Justin’s brother), and Gillian (Randy’s wife) at Red Lobster and had lobster – Oma’s favorite non-dessert food. Justin and I then spent the night with Bill and Barbara watching movies.

On Tuesday, everyone (me, Justin, my parents, Barbara and Bill, and Bill’s daughter and her kids) met up at a Chipotle by D.C. where Justin and I enjoyed the fibrously beany tastes that we’ve been missing here in Germany. It was great to eat those oversized burritos and spend one last meal with family before boarding a plane back for Frankfurt.

So, after a whirlwind couple of weeks, we landed in Frankfurt, saw our wiggly and licky little dog – who seems absolutely miniature compared to my parents’ horse-sized dogs – and said hello to jet lag. I can barely keep my eyes open past 10 p.m., but I think I’m just recuperating from six weeks of non-stop activity.

Overall, it was tough to be away from Justin and Pecos, but so wonderful to be home with my family. As my time at home wound down, I kept regretting not spending more time with my family. I eventually realized that I could never spend enough time with family, and I should just be thankful that I got to spend the time with them that I did. I am also thankful I have a husband who understands how close I am to my parents.

Please keep on checking back for posts as we will start posting more regularly. Anticipate posts about Christmas Part II, this weekend in the Bavarian forest, and my birthday (cough, February 9th, cough) trip to Rome.

Also, come visit us!!!! That’s a direct order!

Also, also, kudos to me! I got into grad school. I will begin working on my master’s in educational assessment and evaluation at the end of February. I am so excited!

And I am spent . . . phew.


Anonymous said...

Bring It On!

Antipasta said...

Congratulations on getting into grad school.. enjoy your last few weeks of freedom... And of course, welcome back to Germany... even a little bit of snow to herald your welcome..

Su-chun & Patrick

C+A said...

thanks for the update! glad you two are back safe!

Anonymous said...

Great posting Honey. Enjoy Bavaria. Can't wait for August.