Thursday, January 11, 2007

Sad news on the homefront

Shortly after a successful last trip to Germany this past November where she ate some German food, drank some German wine, and proudly looked upon her grandson as he forged a new life in her dear old motherland, Oma took a turn for the worse.

Whether it was the cancer she was diagnosed with seven years ago, complications from the cocktail of her serious medications, or the massive amounts of gross foods she ate while here (eel, for example), Oma couldn't hold on. Her stubborness was no match for the whisper of death.

So, in a very un-Gertrud-like manner, Oma went to sleep for the last time yesterday - quietly and peacefully.
Our thoughts are with you, Gertie! You will be missed.
Ein prozit!


C+A said...

Justin + Kate --

Sorry to hear about Oma's passing.
Thinking about you and your family.

Carole + Adam

Anonymous said...

Lovely Justin. Love DC MOM

Anonymous said...

Justin and Kate, I am so sorry for your loss. What a special gift though to have been able to have oma in your lives.