Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Week 4: While Kate is away....the boys laugh all day

As I'm sure you saw, Week 3, which included both Christmas AND Boxing Day, went by smoothly and quickly. So, unless you'd like me to talk about the belly dancers some more, I don't believe there's a need to elaborate any further on that particular week.

Week 4 also flew by. As you read (and hopefully watched), New Year's Eve was a blast this year. There were fires in our belly (thanks to the margaritas), fires in the sky (thanks to the Pina Coladas), and fires no doubt on the roofs of some of the surrounding buildings.

Also, to once again commemorate the festive holiday, here's a video I found that has to be the funniest things I've seen so far this year. Caution, do not view this at work (people will wonder why you're laughing so hard):

Finally, Pec and I have been having a good time when we're not shooting off fireworks or watching videos of people doing such. Here's a quick glimpse at what we've been up to:

Biting our balls:

Building nests:
Getting fleas:
Nibbling on ropes:
Being scared by the big city at night:

Getting all crazy and twisted:


Kate said...

These Pec pics are wonderful. I miss that puppy so much. The video is crazy. Don't EVER try it.

Anonymous said...

Pecos looks ready to save the day in his grocery store bag cape.

Anonymous said...