Saturday, December 29, 2007

Left behind in Germany, based on a true story (By Linda)

Left behind in Germany…..

T’was days before Christmas, when all through Pecy’s home,
No parents were there, except these two gnomes:

The stockings were hung by the prickly tree with care,
In hopes that St. Pecolas soon would be there; Grandpa and Linda slept snug in their beds,
With visions of French wines dancing in their heads;
And Dodger in her jammies and Baci in her cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out in the Dinning room there arose such a clatter,
Grandpa sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the table he dashed (he was rolling!)
And there stood sweet Pecos, eating bourbon-soaked Stollen

So with tail b’twixt legs, he slouched off to bed,
And woke the next morning with hangover head.

When, what to his groggy red eyes should he see,
But his suitcase packed for a trip….oh what Glee!

So up to a Castle, along the Rhine they flew,
With the Volvo full of wine, and bits of cheese and treats too.
With Grandpa and Linda away for dinner,
Pecy looked at Dodger and thought, “What a Winner!”

So he whistled and barked and called Dodger by name,
He knew that cute Yorkie would take much to tame.

“Now Dodger, Now Sweetie, how about some nice cheese?”
“My Darling, My Angel, a little sausage for you…. please?”
He set out some fruit and Stollen to be merry,
And with a twinkle in his eyes, he poured her some sherry,

Their eyes -- how they twinkled! Their tails how merry!
Their bellies were quite rosey, each nose like a cherry!
With a wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Dodger soon understood she had nothing to dread;
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
The rest of the story might seem a bit tall.

According to Pecy-boy, St. Pecolas appeared.
And brought him a girlfriend, who likes his grey beard.

So parents or none, he had a good time,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."


Anonymous said...

That was great, Linda.

Anonymous said...

Very well done, the rhyme and the pictures. That is so adorable Linda, but did Pecos really get into the stollen? That would make me feel much better about all of Jackson's antics.

Anonymous said...

Linda hat gesagt...

Greetings Kathryn. Indeed, Jay found the boy standing in the middle of the dining room table, snout deep in the remaining half of a about 3 in the morning. And yep, he had that "please don't tell my parents" look on his face...ha.